Sunday, May 14, 2006

After 2 weeks of sleepless nights,we finally decided to take a break.the 'agnipariksha" team decided to chill out at "wonder la" this weekend,but due to non-avialability of mr. "fuSSy logic"(aka finance n credit head),we settled down for an 'ice-creamy' experience at 'corner house' on residency road,today evening..we all decided to meet at 3 pm(while we cud have met at 4 pm,when all the birds come out of their closet,but thanks to ms. A,who had complained the previous day,tat 4 pm was a lil late,as she n her friends wud have to go back home before night)...ironically, neither A nor B OR C turned here we were,a bunch of stags,trying to figure out how exactly we wud be havin fun so early in the evening on a road like "residency road"..
the ice creams were consumed in no time n we were sittin there baffled thinkin wat to do next..amidst this,the manager of the shop asked us to move out so as to make place for other tat time,some kind soul suggested tat we cud roam around some of the malls which were just around the corner..
first we went to bangalore central,which kinda luked the "most happenin" place at that moment X suggested tat we cud go to the chat shop at the top most floor of the mall...well,we later came to know tat the chat shop was jus the 'bahana' for X to do some bird watchin while climbin up the to the top-most floor.on the last but one floor i dared one of my juniors to use the escalator comin down ,to climb up..well,pls don't think its an easy was quite a DARE.before i dared him,some of us kinda tested the 'dare' to see if it really deserved a gud reward...n forget abt climbin up,we cudn even step on an escalator tat was comin was tat dizzyin...
after a thorough scannin of the escalator n a green signal by one of my friends who was stationed at the top floor,this junior took off like a mini jet..his idea was to avoid the region wher the steps become flat n for tat he had to land on one of the steps directly..luckily,his short run-up before the final jump,safely landed him on one of the steps n after doin so there was no stoppin for this guy,except at the top,wher he was stopped by one of the security guards who was obviously quite shocked to see someone climbin up an escalator tat was movin down ! it was so funny,cuz this guy was now stranded on an escalator,as he had to complete the dare n get past that security gurad.he somehow managed it to the top n it was surely an event to celebrate,atleast for him..some kids who wer the only spectators to this "breath-taking" challenge apart from us n ofcourse that security person,clapped jubiliantly as if they had jus witnessed a mind blowin circus act ! the security guard did suspect if this guy was anywhere close to his sane self,(this junior of mine, luks a lil insane even when normal,so it cud not have been difficult for the security to quickly judge him as a mind-less-fellow ;) ) after,treatin him with an ice-tea,we decided to go to garuda mall..
as we wer comin out of b'lore central,a bunch of girls(all hired by a fairness cream company) stopped us to ask if we wud like to play a game,which was part of their advertising campaign.well,we wud not have agreed,had we been stopped by guys,but with girls around,we simply cud not refuse ;) well the game was pretty simple...each person had to rotate a circular piece of card board with arrows printed on it..the circular piece roatates on a sheet tat has some text written at irregular spacings in a circular fashion.if each arrow covers each text(one arrow coverin one text),then the person gets to pick up a folded chit(just like a lucky draw) which has the goodies' name written on it. after two un succesful attempts by B n me,it was the turn of C. mr.C,a guy who doesn mind takin any type of challenge(jus like my insane juni.) successfully managed to win the it was the turn for pickin up the chit to win a goodie..lucky fellow,he wins a WRIST WATCH ! C's display of excitement is suddenly struck down when he sees "fair and lovely" written in bold letters on the dial..atleast,we wer not dis-appointed for not winnin such a prize *sighs* . but surely, we enjoyed every bit of wat had happened !
we later went to garuda mall n nothin quite interestin happened apart from the fact tat C n I won free thumbs up bottles at some contest...well.. i cant say we won it as it was given away to everyone who was called to take on the challenege..but wat we really earned was 5 minutes of attention from quite a huge crowd tat was witnessing the event...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

will u go out for "dinner" with me.. at 8 pm.. ??

5:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

bugger who is Miss A in ur blog entry... gottyaatha.. i posted the prev comment :P

7:28 AM  

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