Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Is bangalore slowly turning into a paradise for flamboyant,rude,status-minded,im-patient people ???? are bangaloreans becomin incresingly short-tempered about trivial things...or is it just me who has started hating bangalore to the core...recently i read an article in OUTLOOK tat said delhities are the most rude,status-minded,heartless people in the country...mumbai n kolkatta(notice no mention of bangalore !),though equally cosmopolitan are far more sensible and calm !!! well.... i feel the magazinee delibrately did not mention bangalore becus it felt "namma bengaluru" was no less compared to delhi!

circa 2005,the auto stand right in front of my house,is celebratin its 5th year of existence with great joy n vigour...obviously,when u have auto drivers in the news,u r bound to witness some "breath-taking" events..n tats wat typically happened....3 auto drivers,extremely high on booze,start fightin in the middle of the night(remember,the celebrations were over way back in the evening !)...n as if tat wasnt enough,another guy joins in jus to console these people..(well..if he had lil more brains,he cud have as well called the cops..they really know how to console such guys!)the fight continues till 3'o clock in the night n finally settles down after the beat police intervenes..

come 2006,this auto driver(whose regular 'adda' is the stand next to my house n we know him quite well) is asked to deliver a gas cylinder by my mom..first,he demands double charge(cuz,according to him carryin a gas cylinder is a big risk ! ghosh! his auto itself is runnin on gas n he never felt THAT was a risk ???)anyway,my mum agrees(but i frown),as it was urgent for the cylinder to be delivered..later,while loadin the cylinder into the auto,my father asks him for some assistance,n this guys,suddenly,gets his temper raised,n starts shoutin at us,sayin we have dis-respected him and auto drivers are not to be treated as servants n things like tat...agreed...but does asking for some help mean treatin tat person as a servant??? n we r the last people to dis-respect anyone ! like for example,the other day,when the auto meter had hit around 55 bucks,we decided to pay the same guy some extra as a gesture of gratitude.. he quickly pocketed tat extra change with a grin on his face....where did his so called "self respect" vanish then ???

a few days later,i walk upto the same auto driver(to my bad fortune,there werent any more autos standin in the stand,save his,n i was already getting late to college) n ask him to take me to PESIT,which is jus a mile away from my house...n guess wat he does..he grabs all the attitude tat he can ever find,n lukin at the sun,simultaneuosly pickin up the dirt from his teeth,nods his head indicatin as if i was some sort of useless animal in this world...it was a "NO",i clearly understood.i really felt like breakin his head right there! "god...wat does he think of himself"..well i always thot an auto driver is supposed to go wherever the passenger asks him to,no matter how far r near the destination is.but somehow,he made me feel the rule was the other way round,with the driver decidin whthr the passenger gets in r not.it was already late,so i was in no mood for arguments..fortunately,i spotted a private cab within seconds,n i went to cllg with a disturbed mind!

another day,my mom n i were supposed to attend a function.my mom calls the same auto driver(inspite of my innumerable requests for travelling by bus,as the buses were very frequent on tat route)..surprisingly,tat guy agrees,but suddenly i see a bus comin,so i signal my mom not to climb..so my mom starts headin towards me..but,tat bus turns out to be some company's bus,so we start waitin hopin to find another bus.we see another auto comin r way,n i purposely choose this auto instead of the other one,tat was kept waiting..well,maybe i wanted to teach him a lesson..cuz i was tired of his ways of often leavin the passenger helpless n yieldin to his demands,n i thot,maybe i should remind him,tat even a passenger has choices n can render the auto drivers helpless anytime.

well,i was wrong...today my mom came upto me n said shockingly that NONE of the auto drivers were ready to go to whichever place she had asked..when my mom asked them for a reason,it seems,the same auto guy told her tat we had humiliated him the other day...well,i don think my mom r anyone deserves to face a situation wherein,u have an array of autos standin in front of your own eyes, n none of them respond cuz one of their friends was humiliated..i mean,don they have the brains to actually understand wat the problem was n then decide to behave in a certain way??? n wat was more surprising was tat we knew some of those auto drivers very well !!! if they really had to show their solidarity with some one,then it should have been with US !!! this is wat i hate about this country..u see a guy destroyin public property while shoutin names of a public figure,n within no time,there's a huge crowd joinin him in his mission,without actually understandin why he is doin tat !

well its not only the auto drivers...one fine day,while my father was droppin me to college,a tata sumo came zoomin towards us from one of the turns(which we were about to take).but wat this guy does is,he brings his car to a halt within inches from r dash-board..n when we ask him to make way,he demands us to do the same...he fails to understand tat there r two other vehicles standin jus behind us,n its impossible for us to go back...but somehow his already swellin ego tat was slowly turnin into anger, makes him act like an illiterate,hurling out abuses at us for not makin the way !!! i was soo angry tat i had almost decided to get out of the car n get into a full-fledged man-to-man fight!maybe i wud have done tat,had not the passengers sitting in the vehicles behind us came to our support..

well...everyone seems to be talkin about bangalore being hip n cosmopolitan !!! but somehow,an ordinary bangalorean still finds it difficult to swallow such colourful compliments ! as they say,a drop of poison is enough to poison the whole milk,one such uncivilized guy is enough to mar the image of our city ! not tat,such incidents don't happen elsewhere in the world..but the point is,they don get this ugly ! atleast they wudnt go to an extent of abusin someone without THINKING! whereas here,every fight r argument,somehow has to boil down to a battle between "the ever prevailing egos".


Blogger Vivek Tulsidas said...

I remember having a big debate with someone...regarding the situation where an auto driver refuses to go to the destination you want...as per the law...thats ILLEGAL....the auto driver cannot refuse to offer service....

Anyway its India...so the question whether something is illegal or legal becomes totally redundant....

11:18 AM  
Blogger Darshan Yadunath said...

you know there was an instance when my dad came for the pesit inauguration fn. and an auto driver F***** cut in front of the car and scraped the car.. and demanded a compeanstation.. he went upto the extent of chasing my dad up till deepanjali nagar after which. .we thankfully lost him...

6:16 AM  

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