Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Part 2 : Relationships as the times change

welcome to the second late-night edition of "relationships as the times change"(late night,i say not becuz of some adult content in it...simply becus its 1 am at the moment)..anyway i think i have figured out y my posts(gud posts in particular...k i know i am jus 2 posts old...) take birth at such un-holy hours...night is the only time durin the 24 hours where in ppl tend to do what is only necessary...lemme explain: after a day's full of work tat we, may r may not enjoy doin(usually not),the nights give us the much needed reprieve..by the time we are back at home,we only want to catch up on things tat give us "pure bliss n no shit"....as the night grows intense,our filterin of the un-necessary stuff also gets intense!

well, who doesnt want to hit the bed with a clear n peaceful mind???(he he..hope the above lines did not sound too "late nightish"...ouch !) n tats y i think the later it gets, the better is the settlin of my thoughts...
anyway comin back to the topic,i am still honestly confused...perhaps a lil more comments might have helped me arrive at some conclusion...but never mind ! at the moment i will stick onto something which i have been doin for a lil while...get IMPULSIVE....sounds lil im-matured,but yea i am a lil immatured when it comes to this(grrrrr....y the hell did i choose this topic)...i believe tat relationships cannot be defined on a single day in a single note...i mean,a cousin of urs whos been livin in US of A ever since he popped out of his mum's uterus cannot qualify as a "cousin" overnight ! but at the same time u cant jus refuse to call him/her akka r anna r mama(uncle,in some indian languages) jus becuz u didnt see him for half of ur life ! well..sometimes i hate to get rational .... i mean i jus cant forget tat he/she(read cousin) is related to me...but anyway as i said before, i will act accordin to my impluse when i meet them..
k sorry to say this...i guess i will close this post for the day...i have just begun to enjoy the atmospehere around me...its half past one (midnight) n the "sound of silence" is jus so alluring!(except for the intermittent cacophony of the traffic emanating from the ring road....dang!)....

jus when i am about to hit the bed,a hidden voice pops out from nowhere......"jobless fellow...go back to sleep..u have college tomorrow"[:D]



Blogger Maddy said...

Very sentimental... very earnest... typical kow!

As you've so often told me, I'm incapable of discussing serious things... Immature idiot, I believe those were the very words used! I won't tell you what I think about the post... maybe if you say pretty please...

Welcome to blogland!

8:34 AM  
Blogger RDD said...

the [:D] at the end of the blog just shows how addicted to orkut u are.. Nice blogs.. Keep them flowing Mister!!!!

9:45 AM  
Blogger ramya said...

addicted to orkut..and blogging both i would say,,,,
are u planning to review every movie you watch...
and btw... incapable of disucssing...serious thgs...
i pity "u know who"....
aniwaz....it was a great attempt...lookin fwd to more updates...:)

8:09 PM  

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