Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Well,something really funny happened yesterday n the very fact tat it involved a girl n a boy makes it even more interesting n tat much more embarassing ;) ..obviously i was the guy n for the time being let the girl be ms. X..
It was late evening n it was very kind of ms. X to offer me a drop to my house from college..i said a quick "YES" without any second thoughts the moment she uttered the word "drop".little did i know tat the word "drop" had a much more deeper meaning :( ...anyway,i was soo happy tat i was about to save 5 bucks on the bus n ofcourse tat waiting ! .heres how the conversation proceeded there-after:

K(grinning): hope u can ride the vehicle with a hefty guy like me ridin pillion behind you.
X:oh tats ok !

(she starts the vehicle n i sit behind her.vehicle reaches that abominable slope tat takes u to the main road from college..the vehicle suddenly starts makin some strange sounds as if it was finding it diffcult to accept me as a co-passenger..poor thing,eventually gives up n comes to a silent halt..obviously the next thing we did was PUSH ! well X,clever dame tat she is,PRETENDS to PUSH n manevour the vehicle,while i painstakingly push the whole damn vehicle,tat was as hefty as me.pushing on plain roads is OK,but pushin on a slope is something similar to weight-lifting.we finally reach the entrance of r cllg.X turns around to see if i have some more energy to push it across the road(very considerable huh?).but something tells her she cud try startin her vehicle once more(thangaaaawd!).

X(grinning):hope it wasnt so tiring
K:(hell yeah..if u allow me,i can push this damn vehicle all the way to my house..) oh not at all..
(the vehicle starts,n i sit behind her.we haven even covered a meter n the vehicle resorts to its old tricks of makin the same ol' noise)

K:(again???? gettin down) hey,i will cross the road,u can bring ur vehicle across.
X:(no reply).

the moment i get down,the vehicle suddenly turns into a lion,all roarin with full josh.now comes the interesting part of the incidentt.as i get down,i see ms. X ridin her vehicle as fast as possible,completely oblivious of the fact tat there's a person stranded in the middle of the road.SHE HADN'T REALIZED TAT I WAS NO LONGER SITTIN ON HER VEHICLE WHICH HAD SOMEHOW TRANSFORMED NOW INTO A SUPER BIKE ! now,i cant even shout,cuz then it wud luk like a guy shoutin at a girl to stop n the girl is tryin her level best to get away from him! tat wud luk highly embarassing !at the same time,i cant even keep quiet,cuz i don wanna wait for the bus n pay tat 5 bucks(actually my purse was empty tat day :( . so here i was,only left with a choice of walkin upto my house..well,i was lucky enough to catch a bus at the next bus stop n guess wat i did for the ticket..these conductors,generally don ask u to pay if u tell them a place tat the bus wudnt be goin..then u have to get down at the next immediate bus-stop to catch the right bus.this is precisely wat i did to travel ticket-less to reach my bus-stop !

well,the most hillarious thing happens when ms.X calls me later in the night,all tense. when i ask her wat on earth had made her to put a gud feelow like me in sucha helpless situation,she replies sayin she had assumed tat i was sittin behind her all thru the journey n it only struck her when she turned back to luk for an answer to some question of hers.then,it seems,she saw an ambulance zoomin past her,n now the lady starts gettin jitters thinking tat i had fallen mid-way on the road,n i was injured n things like tat,n she hadnt realized tat i had fallen down.n now the sight of an ambulance had made her feel tat it was actually carryin ME to the hospital..he he he he he he....so fulllll tension aadlu hudugi....he he he he he he he he he..

anyway,i cudn stop laughin at the way the events unfolded yesterday...it was a twist-pe-twist kinda incident....however moral of the story is :never sit on a vehicle tat u suspect might break down any moment.tat too if a girl is offerin the drop,instead of noddin ur head instantly in tat excitement,u can safely decline it !


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey kaustubh..finally am commenting on ur blog too...well Ms.X wouldnt entirely agree with ur part of the story i think...but i guess i have to be careful the next time i go with her....which unfortunately is somewhere in the near future[:)]..hope she reads this blog and comment too!!!

10:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


12:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

no i wont :d

5:59 AM  
Blogger Pooja said...

Heard this story directly from the horse's mouth, or should I say, Ms X's mouth. Its hilarious from any source.

7:22 AM  

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