Sunday, March 26, 2006

On a lousy satuday evening....i decided to do something which i always did when life seemed to have come to an end,when there was nothin more to think,no path to tread,n a kinda of nirvana which indicates there's just VOID everywhere....suddenly,something in me said "hey..stop thinking like a hermit...jus luk around....there r many things in this world which haven been explored..u r sure to find something new...interesting " ."maybe",i shrugged..n within few minutes i was in the CD parlor hunting for some real arbit movie...well honestly,its among such arbit movies i find real NIRVANA...these movies not necessarily contain romance r action r the usual masala...they r usually bland...after watchin them,u get a feeling as if u have just returned from some other planet devoid of emotions...u r put into an intensive thinkin mission the moment the tape starts rollin ! n u r forced to remain in tat mode till the movie finishes(as its very unlikely for anyone to decipher the plot let alone the climax..)..anyway i restrained myself from picking something totally weird,as i didnt want to luk like russel crowe in beautful mind,as i had a function to attend later in the night..well after an exhaustive search,i zeroed in on "brokeback mountain"....the movie tat created quite a stir with its audacious plot of homosexual relationships...ahem...i had always been curious about this one n i was dyin to watch it ever since i saw a review of this in TOI...well before we continue lemme assure tat i am straight n tat hasnt changed even after watchin the caution before u proceed..
if you haven watched the movie yet,u may find some of the info revealing which may spoil ur curiosity abt the movie..but i still say its safe to go ahead as there's a big difference in watchin n readin abt this movie...

k...lets get on..the story is set in the 60's,u may call it the cowboy era in the united states.....the movie begins with two strangers walkin down to a big farmer askin for work...the farmer obliges. while one is assigned the task of takin the sheep for rearin on the brokeback mountain(i am still tryin to find out if there's actually anything like tat or was it jus a secret reference created by the duo) the other had to cook food n take care of their makeshift the time passes by,the monotony of their job n their seclusion from the rest of the world makes them feel lonely...they crave to find noise but r firmly denied by the silence of the mountains..ofcourse there's the sound coming from the herd of sheep n the occasional neighin of their horses..but tat is all they can find... one cold night,one of them(who is a kind of introvert)while warming his body in the fire,hears a shrill call from his gregarious companion, from the tent...n on that fateful night they realise an unkown attraction r shud i say bonding between themselves...(ang lee,the director of the movie,says tat he had to re-shoot this scene many times,much for the dis-comfort of everybody,as the actors were findin it diffcult to get intimate...quite obvious...*wink**wink*) well,things go a lil awry as the guys start comin in terms with their abnormal feelings towards each other..(lee's done a gud job while portrayin this)....its winter,n the two lovers (almost by then !!!) warn the farmer of an in-coming snow storm..the farmer decides to stall the work n the duo decide to meet durin next summer at the same place...but,theres a of them is about to get married in few days !!! n then he will have a family of his own...but,they have to meet as there's something tats pullin them towards each other....will they meet inspite of many such social barriers???is their luv strong enough to bring them back???even if they do,can they live in a society that considers homosexuality a curse..a taboo....

Full credits to the cameraman,for having caught some of the breath taking land scapes of Wyoming..lush green ranches,huge mountain ranges silhouetting against bright red horizon..sometiems u cant stop wondering if there is such a place on earth r is it some graphic manipulations !!! well honestly, I have always been a bad admirer of nature…it never made sense to me when ppl made endless descriptions n showered their praises on things as in-animate as mud,water,sky n stuff like tat..but now I am happy n relieved to say tat I really know wat they were speakin when they said “hey…tat just luks like heaven on earth”(well it’s a different fact how I used to struggle to find out how these ppl had got access to heaven to make all those comparisons !)…indeed this is the only way to reach heaven if u wanna make tat journey before u put ur head down to eternity…NATURE....just bury urself there..

however the highlight of the movie(for me atleast) is the intelligent usage of 'silence' by the director...he has successfully demonstrated how silence can speak more than words..(how i wish all r lecturers had understood this...*sighs*).

the movie defies the meaning of love n dares to make a bold statement that love's not only blind to age,but also to gender..when someone said,very rightly, tat "love is blind",he probably meant it with a much deeper meaning......

however one word of caution for ppl in relatioships: don watch it with ur partner...especially if its a girl(cuz she wont stop suspectin u...he he)
one word of advice to the rest(me included!)...the movie has got some intimate scenes..but who cares…the story requires it…

go watch it,if u r lukin for some un-conventional entertainment....


Blogger Darshan Yadunath said...

good one cow, just add a spoiler warning at the top of the review, will keep ppl from not reading it if they want to watch the movie ;-D

1:31 AM  
Blogger Arvind Krishna said...

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9:42 AM  

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