Tuesday, April 11, 2006

well...i finally watched rang de basanti today at PVR along with my parents,grand mum n 2 of my aunts...AWESOME MOVIE !!! surely beats dil chah tha hai,given the fact tat the latter ,though was seen as the begining of new age indian cinema,failed to send out any clear message,atleast to me.....hey hold on ! i am not sayin it did not have any message at all...i mean,a young guy fallin in luv with an older woman,r saif's confused way of thinking when it came to love r for tat matter aamir glorifyin himself as the demigod of anti-love,all these were portrayed really well,but it just failed to present one single message for the audience n the climax also sounded predictable(with aamir finally gettin his "lady love")....RDB,on the other hand,was simply flawless right from the begining.

well,as soon as we enterred the cinema hall,there was some documentry on adoption,which apparently made my grand mum feel that the movie had alreayd begun n this child adoption scene,according to her,was turnin out to be such a beautiful starting for the movie....after the documentary,something dreadful happened.....A DOCUMENTARY ON AIDS PREVENTION ! for a moment,this switch over from a topic as trivial as adoption to as night-marish as condoms, turned out to be even more dramatic than titanic sinking ! then came another trailer,worse than the previous one...this time it was the turn of sharon stone givin sum tips on seducin thru BASIC INSTINCT 2....for a second,i thought someone delibrately wanted to seek revenge with me by hurlin a tsunami of such trailers when i am with my family...i even thought of gettin up n gougin the eyes of tat guy in the projector room...what on earth made him forget tat there were "family people" inside the hall...as if "condoms-ko-isthamaal-karna-math-bhulna" advice wasnt enough,he also wanted sharon stone to give us a piece of her mind????(n some body..agrrrrrr!)...it was sooooo embarassing..i literally closed my eyes with my hands,n later cudnt resist makin holes in the fingers to get sum glimpse of the movie....i even heard some one expressin her suspicion of having got into the right cinema hall...i turned around to see who had made tat comment,only to realise tat it was my already baffled paati,who was now tryin to make faces at me,as if beggin for mercy ! surely,with grand moms around,entertainment just doubles..

finally the movie begins...(what a relief !).i wont get into the details of the movie..the first half of the movie makes u feel as if u r witnessin another "dhoom" episode...but only later,u will realise how beautifully the director has shown the transformation of a group of hot blooded young men,brimming with energy,to whom enjoyin every moment of life is a sacred mission,into matured responsible citizens.....the songs are sublty crafted to fit the youthful image of the characters,...at one instant,even i could not hold from letting myself loose..."out of control"...but thanks to my strong mind...i held myself from creatin a catastrophe in the theatre.
the phirangi actress is HOT...she has acted well too. luks like we have another keira knightly in the makin !

anyway,there r some really emotional scenes,in the latter half of the movie...one of my aunts was actually strugglin to keep her eyes dry(maybe she cud associate one of the characters to her son ! in the gud sense of course !)...
well,on the whole,the movie,the company n ofcourse my grand mom(she deserves a special mention....yeah !) culminated to give me a fantastic TREAT !

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

well,one of my friends scrapped me on orkut saying tat he had started a thread on one of our teachers in pu. , at our pu college community..the thread was about SUDHA BHAT...well,she was the hod of chem. dept. at r pu cllg. she was in her late 30's when she expired 2 years back..so this thread was a tribute to this great lady!
the first thing tat comes to mind when i think of her is the confidence tat used to ooze from her so easily,whether in class or outside ! she was very different from other faculty n wasnt like the usual boring kinda lecturers who used to come to cllg as if it was their unfortunate obligation..a friendly person,at the same time an equally stern task master ! i still remember the way she used to scold students with a mixture of sarcasm,humiliation n wat not,later endin it with a tinge of friendly advice,which eventually used to make my buddies feel more gud than bad.one neednt have to speak to her,in order to know her...u cud simply make out from the way she used to scuttle from one classroom to another n climb those steps in between the floors so effortlessly,as if puttin each step into shame..

i still remember the day i visited her in the hospital...it was just after my chemistry exam(1st semester) tat i received a call from one of my lecturers tellin me tat she was in the hospital n her stage was critical.for a moment a cloud of gloom n shock surrounded me..the pictures of sudha bhat as a teacher,a guru,a diciplinarian slowly started tricklin down my mind.my body grew numb as i haplessly tried associating her with hospital,medicare n things like tat which were anything but alien to this charming dynamic lady.i was about to call my friend,when i got another ring from varun...we quickly packed ourselves off to the hospital.as we reached,we cud see lots of teachers n students already swarmin the entrance.for a moment we thought it was all over....we somehow managed to muster some courage n walked down to one of our lecturers who gave us a dis-heartenin luk....he told us tat the conditon had been on the decline ever since tat morning..we breathed a sigh of relief...atleast something terrible handnt happened !

we had to wait for our turn to get a glimpse of her as she was in the ICU...as varun n me sat down waiting, the pictures n memories of sudha bhat were fillin up r minds very quickly.after sometime one of our teachers signalled us indicatin r turn had come n we headed towards the ICU.
varun went inside first n i still did not know if i wanted to see her in such a state...but i had to,as i had come this far.i slowly motioned my body towards her still unsure if wanted to see her....i stopped near a bed which had a tag containin her name...she was sleepin r may be resting r maybe just lying there with her eyes closed as some one in a white jacket had ordered her to do so......among all these thoughts,u may notice,it never occured to me tat she was sick.......seeing such a bold n dynamic person lying on the bed so helplessly in the ICU,just shook me ...i still remember how difficult it was to actually believe tat a person who was so bubbly n effervescent had transformed into just a lump of bones..as i watched her sleepin in such calm n leisure,the words tat didnt exist in her dictionary until now, a globule of water started fillin my eyes....i cud not stay there any longer as i knew i wud burst into tears...there was a ghastly silence everywhere except for the recurrin beep of the life supporting system . i touched her feet n decided to leave.....
my legs had already grown heavy... as i pulled myself out of the room i cud see her husband standin outside the ICU.....he was a brave man ...atleast i felt so as i didnt see see him weepin or asking for shoulders(for support)...but all of us had one thing in common at the back of our minds...we all knew this could simply not be possible...outside the hospital,someone told me tat her recovery was beyond any human aid..she was to die any moment.....everyone thought why death had choosen only her,as if there werent enough people already sick n dying ! there was a small church in the vicinity n we(varun n i) decided to go there n pray for her health..

after 2 days i got a call telling me she had expired....we rushed to the mortuary to pay our final respects....
even though she might not exist in flesh today,her charm,her confidence,her friendliness,her vibrant smile still exudes like it did 4 years ago when i was her student....
may her soul rest in peace for ever.....

"death is so biased...yet un-biased !"

Saturday, April 01, 2006

damn....i was readin a really great blog this midnight,n i cudn help admiring the way it has been written..the blogger,a veteran ofcourse,is a girl aged around 22..n she has been bloggin for the past 3 years...one can literally see her maturing from a confused teenager to a hardened girl...she talks about her never endin dreams n fantasies about her mr.awesomes,her divided family,her job-less situations..visit her at www.myrealnameisluly.blogspot.com ...